From an uninviting product market to an award-winning brand. We positioned Isoduct as a premium flue ducts brand. From their brand positioning to a website.
Isoduct - The NetherlandsExpertises
Brand positioning, brand identity, visual identity, brand guides, digital product design, digital development, e-commerce website, Google Ads, social adsClient
Isoduct is a first class manufacturer and supplier in firesafe flue ducts in The Netherlands. They primary focus on safety, users experiences and their contribution to a better world. With their many years of experience and innovation they have developed an all-in-1 flue that meets all requirements. The flue duct is double-walled, sustainable and heat-resistant from the inside out. The best available materials on the market are used for a cleaner combustion and exceptional fire safety. A big step forward.

We kicked-off the project with a brainstorm along with the client. The biggest challenge was to present the product, an abstract flue duct, like a seductive premium product.
Instead talking about all technical specs and parts of this product we added emotion to the users experiences of the product. We made users aware of the high risks a fireplace could bring, tell them how Isoduct could step in on this and give them a calm and safe feeling.

With the design of the logo we tried something different. We transformed the old and colorful visual identity into a much more bold style with capital letters. Combined with the strategy and the other visual elements we created a brand book. That functioned as the foundation for the new website and marketing expressions.
We got inspired by Dyson. Their products are well designed and have an innovative nature whilst the brand experience is always on point. We gave the flues of Isoduct a same premium feeling.
With the website we focussed on smooth navigation and added motion design to create that premium brand experience. In addition, we turned the a flue duct into a 3D object that constructs and deconstructs while scrolling trough the product page. We never did this before, but it turned out very well. As a result we won two international awards as a honorable mention and mobile excellence on Awwwards, an Award celebrating world’s best digital products.

